My story idea is taken

I started writing a story about a guy who has no magic in a world full of magic. I established his character, did a backstory, family tree, a couple of descriptive scenes, and some notes on other characters and the world.

Then my publisher gave me a novel to copy edit. About a guy with no magic in a world full of magic. And that author did a great job with it.

So I took all my stories in that world and trashed them (put them in a folder).I did complain to a writer’s group that said “It’s your story, in your voice, write it.” No. I can’t be bothered.

Back to reading. But this novel I’m copyediting is fantasy with hard to pronounce words, along with the stories that I’m reading. I started getting them confused with my job, so now I’m reading non-fiction and memoir as a brain cleanser.

Double Kindle points on Friday, so I bought a ton of books that were $4.99 or less. I did buy three books for $14.99 that were new books, with hardcover only.

Anyway, back to square one in the writing sphere.