Reading more than writing

I have found I can read an average of one book a week. I’m spending my free time reading, forcing myself to finish books. I’ve read a cozy mystery, a fantasy set on a different planet, a non-fiction book about castaways who return to England, and a novel of Chinese women. Also a well-written, detailed dark fantasy.

I did some writing, more for me than for publication. I guess I need to practice writing, and need to update my 800 words blog with whatever garbage I spill out every day to make myself accountable. I need to try writing every day. Planning is not the same. I’m trying to plan out my MC, and I have a couple of other characters in mind. I don’t have a plot. Just a character.

I need to “fill the well” with story ideas. That’s why I’m reading so much.

I need a new keyboard. I keep overreaching so I keep missing letters. I’m doing a lot of backspacing!