I like technology, though I wait until initial fervor dies down before purchasing some big ticket item, like an iPad or an iPhone. I still haven’t gotten the iPhone.
I also know the biggest tool of the trade is known as “butt in chair”. But there are a few things that I find indispensable to my daily writing grind, and thought I would share some of them here.
Music. iTunes, Pandora, Rhapsody. I listened to Napster before it became Rhapsody. Heck, I listened to Napster before it became the pay-to-play and was one of the original people who downloaded music from Napster when it first came out. (To show my age, I had AOL when it first came out and used it on my IBM PS3.)
I can write without music, but music is helpful, especially music with good cadence; that is, music that sounds like it would come off of an action soundtrack. Pandora is good for that, as I tell it the music I like, and it creates a radio station based off of my preferences. If I hear something I like, I’ll search for it on iTunes and buy it for the iPod. Then listen to it over, and over, and over, and over…
Word processing program. Word, Pages, Googledocs. I will be honest, Googledocs is the best thing that came along since…Google. I can go to any computer anywhere and work on my novel. I can do some work at home and then do some work at work (shhh).
The Internet, specifically: google, wikipedia, youtube. Google to find things; wikipedia to find information; youtube to find that song that’s been running through your head for hours.
Scrivener. I’m writing the second book on this using it as both a word processor and for a novel-writing format. It’s one of the best organizers out there for novelists. If you’re going to write, buy it – after you buy my book. My book is cheaper.
Peripherals: iPad, iPod, Mac (I have a Windows computer right now).
Now, contact information:
You can contact me here on this website by ljacob@grimaulkin.com. I answer all emails. I probably won’t be able to read your novel or give you editing tips. If you really want my opinion, I’ll give it to you…though I might not be too diplomatic about it. And I’m not an editor, nor do I work in the editorial world.