With Air in the can, I’m supposed to concentrate on Grimaulkin Collected. The key here is “supposed to”. I will admit that this week I hardly wrote much, mostly because I was recovering from surgery. I had expected to write every day, but couldn’t seem to bring myself to the keyboard.
I have to get Grimaulkin Collected completed by April. If i write a scene a day, I can do this.
What I’ve read:
Writing the Mystery.
Tell me something i don’t already know. If you read enough mysteries, you don’t need this book.
Plot in 8 Parts
Not unlike Holly Lisle, who believes that every scene is a mini-story, this book tells you how to come up with plot points in 8 sections. I stopped after reading the second plot point, because it wasn’t too unlike The Hero’s Journey.
Flash! Writing the very short story
Fun stuff at first. I’m still reading and doing the prompts. They’re fast and easy.