Hello, Mary Sue…

I’m so proud of myself, writing this great romance story. It’s not original, still following a template, but it’s a great idea.

Then I took the Mary Sue test.

Oh, dear.  The male lead is a definite Mary Sue, but the female one I’m trying really hard (intentionally) to make her not one. In the romances that I’ve read/skimmed (3, okay?) the girl’s a ditz, the guy’s a hero, and when they meet, sparks fly.

I’m following the rules, here!  I’m trying to get into the market, not become a literary giant. I consider my name to be the trashy romance/erotica author. Jake is the gay urban fantasy guy. That’s how i’m going to introduce myself.

Homecoming is on its 3rd edit. I have a feeling I’m going to have to describe EVERYONE in detail, not just the three main characters. However, when I read books, I don’t notice the description there. I’m trying to look to see how people are described, and I don’t even notice it. Are they that good that I’m missing it, or do they not put it in?

I described a lot in this romance. I’m up to 10K words right now. I’m going to keep going with it. It’s a good idea. It’s fun.

So what if it’s a waste of time.