Green Dragon 6

“I told you so,” said Jason, as the two of them sat in a steel-encased room, their hands zip-tied behind them.

“Once we find Bau, we’ll get this all cleared up,” said Jules. “He’s probably helping with the search.”

“If there is a search for Xian or for us.”

The steel door to the side of the room opened. Bau stood in the doorway for a moment, then stepped into the room. The door shut behind him.

“I would like to say, ‘You crazy Americans,’ but I won’t.”

“You just did,” said Jules.

“I did, didn’t I?” Bau took out a switchblade and undid Jules’ zip-tie. “Xian Long, the Super Dragon, is our archnemesis. How he got in this building is unknown to us, and how he found you makes us wonder whether you let him in.”

“Before or after he pushed Jules out the window?” asked Jason, as he got his wrists undone.

Jules was rubbing his wrists. “We never saw him until now.”

“My supervisors want me to keep you here. I had to spend the last hour vouching for the both of you, even though you left the locked room you were supposed to stay in.”

“We wouldn’t have left if you didn’t lock us in there.”

“It was for your own good.”

“In a way, none of this would have happened if we hadn’t escaped,” said Jason.

“Which is why I’m letting you out, but I’m going to keep a close eye on you.”

“Did you find Xian?” asked Jules.

“No, not yet.”

“We can help.”

Jason didn’t really want to help these godless Commies, especially after the way they just treated him. But Jules was using his diplomatic skills to try and get them out.

“Just let me get my stuff.”

“You didn’t pack your guns,” said Jason.

“I packed my boomerangs and bolas.”

Jason had access to his guns at all times, due to a dimensional connection to them. Bau did not seem happy at the idea of letting the two Americans loose in the Hall of Dragons, Jason could tell. Jules looked expectant, while Jason tried to keep his poker face.

Bau sighed. He opened the steel door.  “Come with me, then.”


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About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.

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