
TK level 20 – sorta RP?

Personally, I love telekinesis, the actual power. Unfortunately it’s not very good because you have to be around items that are movable, like trash cans and chairs. So I have yet to see this power used by many people. It’s in the AT, though.

Slider (originally Pslider, which looked really dumb) has a character that is more of a hacker than a telekinetic. Maybe he can telekinetically get into computers? I know that his voice is younger, not quite a teen, but less than 30, probably 24/25 years old. He runs places, not walks. He’s in a constant hurry.

His build is similar to Psikinetic, but Slider is full of attacks with hardly any defense. He’s a glass cannon and a button-masher. At least right now. It may get some defense soon.

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About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.

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