
Electric – Level 20 Non RP (maybe)

This build on the forums is known as “Shock ‘n’ Block” and is meant to be a tank build. You go in and grab the aggro, block to keep Challenge up, and let everyone else destroy the baddies.

When I team, I play like a tank, even when I’m not. Especially when the rest of the team is slow to move in. I have no patience. This build is a good pulling build, when I get people who understand what I’m trying to do and aren’t being suicidal with no healer around.

As for Role Playing, I’m not even sure where to start with this guy. Diode was my favorite electric RP – he was so short-circuited that he had his name and address on the inside of his glove. This one has blue skin and white hair, and I think I was going for a nature avatar of some sort. Really not sure. He’s in Teen Guardians somehow (I don’t remember how or who brought him in).

He’s excellent solo – I threw him in the desert to do actual content because I was really bored with the alerts. He wiped out people two levels higher than himself without a problem. Even if I don’t RP him, I’ll end up playing him because he is a lot of fun.

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About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.

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