
(Power Armor/Light Sword) Level 40 RP

Reynard Johanssen is a character based on another person’s character from my time in City of Heroes. This person ended up being Grimaulkin’s nemesis, kicking him out of the supergroup he created for them, Safe Havens.

This person created a series of cyborg characters that used advanced technology as “magic”. Of course, they were all godlike, rich, and powerful. They had no flaws and walked around using people with impunity, including some of my characters, but I’m not bitter. No, of course not.

Rey is a cyborg in charge of Textron Inc., a research and development company that works with the Millennium City Police to develop weaponry for their use. And anyone else that has the money (or at least he used to). Rey was a brother in arms to the above mentioned godlike character, and he believed that Grimaulkin killed his brother when the end of City of Heroes came to pass. See? I’m not bitter.

He arrived in Champions world with the intent of killing Grimaulkin. First, he enlisted Fold, who works with guns. He gave Fold a pair of guns that automatically would try to kill Mike. When Fold failed at that (well, the guns failed), Rey tried to enlist Scott, Mike’s husband.

Scott likes older men so was enraptured by Rey at first. They enjoyed each other’s company (euphemism) and Rey eventually felt that Scott didn’t deserve a scoundrel like Mike. Eventually Rey talks Damon into leaving Teen Guardians and coming to Textron, Inc. (See previous entry for that storyline.)

When Scott found out about Damon’s memory loss and realized that Reynard was out to kill Mike and use people in the group to do so, he took matters into his own hands. For the first (and I think only) time, he cursed Rey to slowly get sick. His augmentations didn’t allow him to die. Rey begged Scott for healing, and Scott relented, provided that Rey would not hurt Mike or the kids in the group.

Since then, Rey has been a good boy, helping Scott and other members of Teen Guardians with different technological issues. He’s presently assisting Mega Lad, a cyborg (but different than Rey’s cyborg). He worked with Fold for a short time. He and Scott get together sometimes. Dmitri is another character that works for him in a limited capacity.

Mike still hates him.

Mega Lad

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About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.

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