Green Dragon 10 (end)

Jason reacted first.He knew a gun with a silencer was accurate only at point blank range. He tackled Jules and dragged him with him behind a chair. Jules let fly with a boomerang, and it hit Xian’s hand.

Jason popped his head up and shot at whatever was in front of him, hoping it would hit Xian.  It did, spreading a red spot on Xian’s left shoulder.  Jason kept his head up for too long, as Xian tucked a hand in his pocket and threw something at Jason.

He ducked down, hearing a thunk into the chair.  Jules fired another round, aiming low as he usually did, hoping to get his legs or his knees. He missed entirely.

Jason jumped over the chair and ran at Xian, firing as he headed for cover behind another chair. But Xian was gone.

“The hell?”

After the sounds of the gun battle faded away, Jules went to the man in green tights. He moaned, and Jules said, “He must’ve gone down the ramp.”

Either he teleported or he moved too fast to see, because Jason knew he was there one minute and gone the next. Jason stood in the center of the lobby.

Suddenly, something grabbed him from behind. Invisible! Jason tried to head-butt him, but the man held him fast and grabbed his head by the chin when he threw it back.  “Jules–” he tried to cry out.

Jules turned around to see Jason in a strange position: his arms behind his back and his head turned upward. Jules raised his gun.

Jason moved his feet to try and hook it around the man who held him, but there was nothing there.  Jules narrowed his eyes.Jason kept moving his feet, struggled against who held him, and was slowly being pulled backward to the door.

Jason turned his body, to try and present the man’s side to Jules. The man dragged him to the door, and pressed against it to open it.

Jules fired.

The body froze for an instant, and then slowly let go, Xian’s hand falling away from his chin, letting to of his arms, as the body slumped to the floor. Jason turned to see a neat hole in Xian’s forehead.

Jules threw up all over the chair.

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About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.

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