About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.


From A Reader’s Book of Days, January 13: “,,,’the 1970’s had finally begun,’ the gay, post-Stonewall ’70’s, that is…” The inspiration if the word “Stonewall”. Note: This is like a jazz piece, where it goes around and around, looking for a story. It was a human habit to keep things… Continue reading

Writing Prompt

In 2050, Miami will be under water. Write about the migration of the south Floridians. Half hour. From 712 More Things to Write About, The San Francisco Writer’s Grotto. They migrated north, against their will. In hundreds of thousands, old people and their yip-yip dogs, gangs of Cubans, and more… Continue reading


Inspired by “1001 Heroes and Mysteries” Podcast “Who Killed Superman?” Pamela knocked back another drink. She couldn’t look at the lovebirds sitting across from her on the couch, smooching each other, his hand on her lap, rubbing her leg and tucking it under her miniskirt. Other people sat or stood… Continue reading

Old Characters

Brent took the corner at a run, almost barrelling into the lieutenant as he came out of the TOC. Brent paused to salute as the lieutenant said, “What’s your hurry?” “Third platoon,” Brent panted. “Under attack.” “I just talked to them.” “I saw it.” The lieutenant looked amused. “If it’ll… Continue reading

Writing Prompt

365 Days. a life changing event, give up something for 365 days 365 Writing Prompts, January 4 The morning I won the lottery, I went to work as usual. “Did you hear,” said Paulette, “someone in town won the lottery.” “I’d better tell Dave to check the tickets,” I said…. Continue reading


Invex watched as the planet came into view. A red planet full of canyons, ice, and dust, not home of the creatures like himself. “The Disc stated they needed to go to the third planet from this star,” he said to the Director of the vessel. Invex had memorized the… Continue reading