
Archery – Level 23 – No RP

Since developing Luther, I decided to not really play this one very much. I’ve noticed that I keep RP characters more than non-RP characters–which is why I have two full pages of characters that are RP. I also have four level 40 characters available for respec that have done the Vibora Bay apocalypse and therefore have access to Vibora Bay. I want to eventually develop a character for ‘end game content” so I can get the “legendary” powers such as Hydra and Shade Storm…but I have a life, and I can’t play this game constantly (though it seems I do, lol).

Anyway, this guy is pure archery. It would be an archery AT with the exception of a couple of powers that are not in the AT, such as Masterful Dodge and Resurgence (a heal). Archery does wimpy damage, but the animations are very cool.

I have built him as a big-shouldered guy, using the archer costume set (I did the same for Luther, too.). After burning through his 2xp, I might end up deleting him because his powers and Luther’s are repetitive, and he’s not RP. I can’t even begin to start how to RP him. Maybe I’ll just develop him for VB and have him available for respec’ing later.

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About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.

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