About Lisa

A writer of m/m and straight urban fantasy and military fiction. Always willing to try different genres to test things out.


(Pure Might DPS) – Level 37 RPPronounced “Roos” Antonin Lincoln is the grandson of the first Soviet Guard. He wears his grandfather’s costume in memory of him. I built him as a foil for Fold, and their relationship panned out just the way I expected. Surprisingly, he’s also had a… Continue reading


(Infernal/Epidemic, non RP) Blumme means “flower” in German. He is an infernal/pestilence powered hero. I called him Blumme because the sound effect for Epidemic sounds to me like flowers rustling in the wind. What is his character? Being that I don’t role play him–or I should say, I won’t role… Continue reading

Party Night

Even though Swoop was disappointed that there was no liquor, everyone else seemed to have a good time at Teddy’s 18th birthday party. Mike made sure there was plenty of food at all times, and made doubly sure that the music and the drink was flowing. Scott watched his husband,… Continue reading